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Bloodmoon Rising Campaign

The continent of Luncres has always been at war. Different powers control the land and sea across the small continent, with only a few unclaimed lands across perilous mountain passes. Which power is the salvation of humanity, if any, and which are the true threats to their existence?

Empire of Eternal Night

In the east, the Empire of Eternal Night has ruled for thousands of years. The “civilized” parts of the empire are established into cities surrounded by walls made of bone. The feudal society is ruled by local barons, organized into duchies, led by the current Grand Duchess Elzibet von Nochte.

The currency system is very similar to most others in Pathfinder Second Edition, with one notable exception. Instead of silver pieces, they use “Imperial Wings” which are made from bronze with a gold ring around the core.

Outside of the cities live nomadic humanoids that don’t fit well within the rest of civilization. This includes bands of orcs as well as some humans and ratfolk. The Empire doesn’t mind the nomadic nature of these groups, but if they turn to banditry the empire tends to crack down on them swiftly and brutally.

The other group that exists in the badlands between cities are undead. The Empire of Eternal Night has a massive number of undead roving around but they never approach the bone walls of the cities. Merchants and travelers, however, must be constantly on watch for trouble from these unnatural enemies.

Rising Moon Clans

On the western half of the continent are the loose association of the Rising Moon Clans. With each group revering a different animal spirit the power dynamics shift regularly. Villagers are free to move from area to area and revere their original spirit, but each of the major cities has a “primary” animal spirit For example, a member of the tiger clan can move and feel perfectly at home in a village that reveres the rat.

For either the clans’ reverence to animals or other reasons, the Delands, where the Rising Moon Clans thrive, can find many different anthropomorphic groups and awakened animals. These groups tend to avoid the villages unless required but they are fairly common in the area.

Protectorate of the Sacred Flame

The center of the continent is controlled by the religious zealots of the Sacred Flame. Technically not a single religion, but a conglomeration of several gods of fire, the Protectorate themselves have plenty of tension. The differing factions, however, seem to be united in their resistance against the Empire and the Clans

The Protectorate has a few distinct features. Among them is the fact it is the only surface empire to mine silver at all. Both the Empire and the Clans avoid the metal and outlawed its possession and production. The Protectorate also boasts the largest elf population and the largest factory for constructs and automatons.

Northern Wastes

Across the mountains from the Protectorate and the Delands of the Clans lies hostile lands covered in permafrost and constant snow. Covered by immense glaciers and deadly chilling winds very few creatures can survive, especially on the surface. Those that do thrive here are powerful and deadly to any travelers.

Along the coasts and deep in the glaciers a few humanoid villages have formed by those capable of surviving the harsh environment. Consisting of arctic elves, snow orcs, or descendants of frost giants the villages are small and rely on fishing or hunting huge animals to survive.

Submerged Sea Sovereignty

Covering the seas south of the continent of Luncres as well as a few small islands in that area, the Submerged Sea Sovereignty is incredibly territorial and holds a choke hold on trade in the region. Due to the capital existing over two miles beneath the surface, they are difficult to attack or negotiate with. Ships that do not have the support of The Sovereignty rarely survive through the reefs and channels to make it safely to port.

The Sovereignty does have an embassy in the city of Bloodmoon Bay where negotiations for safe travel can be held. Their presence there also allows some of their non-aquatic citizens a safe place to support The Sovereignty and live their private lives.

Subterrain Alliance

Beneath the surface of the continent of Luncres lies the Subterrain Alliance. This collection of subterranean humanoids has banded together for survival, mutual profitability, and to stand as a line of defense to protect the Near Surface from the terrifying creatures of the Deep Dark. They may not be light-embracing humanoids, but they accept almost all others seeking a place to hide from oppression.

The Subterrain Alliance consists of dark elves, duergar, dero, some tieflings, and even deep gnomes. They run each city-state as a democratic republic with representatives forming a council and choosing one Consul to serve as the voice of the city-state in external affairs and administrator of the city. All representatives, including the Consul, serve for five years. All citizens of a city-state are expected to contribute to the city-state by some means, either producing food, serving in the significant military, or paying financial support from businesses.

The city-state beneath Blood Moon Bay is the largest city-state in the region. Known as Under Moon, it facilitates trade between the bay itself and the docks there (controlled by the Sovereignty), and the city above (controlled by the Empire, Clans, and Protectorate). Under Moon also has a sealed entrance to the Deep Dark, protected by a massive bronze door covered in magical runes.

Blood Moon Bay

The city of Blood Moon Bay is located in a unique position. Two rivers, the Blood River from the northeast and the Moon River from the northwest merge as they enter the town, forming the Bloodmoon River, which then falls two hundred feet into the bay below. This deep water bay allows for large ships to be built and trade extensively throughout the world, but it also requires the cooperation of all five powerful groups to facilitate that trade. As such, the Empire, Clans, Protectorate, Sovereignty, and Alliance all work together here for mutual benefit.

They do not trust each other and there are significant disputes between these groups, but the leaders of each faction in the area realize the need for the finances provided by the trade and strive to maintain peace openly. They have agreed to stick to their own districts which are separated by a series of bridges between the Protectorate, Empire, and Clans. The Alliance has two iron gates that goods must pass through, one at the bay level and one at the surface two hundred feet above. The Sovereignty controls the docks where the ships are loaded, unloaded, and built.

More on Blood Moon Bay will be forthcoming as it is the starting point for much adventure in the region and a place for players from across the world to meet.

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